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At, we offer premium services to help promote your announcements and reach a wider audience.
Subscription and Combo Promo packages are two of our premium offerings. Your announcements will be displayed on all pages of a column, section, or area as part of Boost Plans, which will raise them above free offerings. Your announcements are shown in a different block above free announcements as part of the Top Ads Promo packages. Visit for more details on the costs, methods of payment, and other terms of our premium services.
To order premium services, simply visit or choose your preferred option when creating an announcement on our website or mobile app.
When you order premium or subscription services, you can choose from a variety of payment methods, including card, bank transfer, eWallet, or cash. All payment data entered is secure and only relates to the payment. If you choose to pay by cash, you will receive payment details which can be presented at the nearest bank branch. reserves the right to change premium services, fees, and payment methods at any time and for any reason. Please note that all fees paid for premium services are non-refundable due to their online nature. We do not provide prorated refunds for announcements that violate our Terms of Use or when you deactivate an announcement.
Our Promo packages is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. If you do not use the package during this period, you will not be eligible for a refund or replacement.
Our premium services are not subscription-based, so you will need to manually renew their validity period each time you require them. does not guarantee any results from our premium services and will not be held liable if they do not meet your expectations.
LATA Credits are available for purchase on the Platform and can only be used to pay for premium services. One Nigerian Naira is equal to one credit.
LATA Credits are valid for 12 months after the date of purchase (the "Credit Validity Period"). Any unused credits will expire after this time frame and you won't be able to use them anymore or be eligible for a reimbursement, payment, or replacement. By acquiring LATA Credits, you accept and agree that they are not real money, real property, and have no monetary worth. No one, including us, may sell, transfer, exchange, trade, or otherwise deal in LATA Credits for any products or other things of value. You are not permitted to buy or sell LATA Credits or your account in exchange for money or any other form of value, except through the means established by us.
All LATA Credits may be forfeited at our sole and absolute discretion without prior notice if your account is suspended or terminated for any reason, including but not limited to the following:
Your account on the Platform is dormant for a year (that is, not used or signed into).
You don't abide by the terms (including the privacy statement and terms of use).
We believe you have used the LATA Credits and the service fraudulently or improperly.
Any more illegal behavior connected to your account is something we suspect.
To safeguard the service, any of our users, or our reputation, we are taking these actions.
If your account is closed, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, you will not be reimbursed for any unused LATA Credits.